
Selling Your Business to an Employee

Cover all the bases! Business Valuation: Accurately valuing the business is crucial for setting a fair sale price. A thorough assessment of the business's financials, assets, market position, and growth potential will help determine its worth. Terms of Sale: The terms...

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Selling a business is a significant undertaking, often requiring sellers to present their financials in the best possible light. One crucial aspect of this process is the identification and verification of addbacks and taxable losses. However, in the complex world of business sales, my mantra “If in doubt, leave it out” becomes a guiding principle.  Here is my advice when preparing financial statements and the wisdom of erring on the side of caution.

Understanding Add Backs and Taxable Losses: 1. Addbacks: Addbacks are adjustments made to a business's financial statements to reflect the true earning potential of the company. These adjustments typically involve discretionary expenses, one-time costs, or owner...

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Business Valuation 101

If someone is going to buy your business – how will you determine a sale price and justify the sale price to the buyer? When it comes to determining the value of a business, appraisers employ various methods, each designed to provide a different perspective on a...

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9 Secrets of Finding Buyers

9 Secrets of Finding Buyers

Connecting sellers with the right buyers is a pivotal task. I believe 50% of my time is finding buyers while the remaining 50% is working through the deal to closing.  Whether it's a first-time buyer eager to embark on an entrepreneurial journey, a seasoned serial...

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14 Red Flags of a BAD BUSINESS Buy

14 Red Flags of a BAD BUSINESS Buy

Much discussion and most articles about business selling revolve around the key ingredients of a good listing. The flip sides of course are the obvious red flags or warning signs that the listing might be bad and at best a marginal listing. My company does buyer...

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